2008 坎城影展參展短片【夏午】開始網上訂購
何蔚庭導演新片【夏午】DVD 可於全省法雅客及學校咖啡館買到! "SUMMER AFTERNOON" DVD can be purchased online, please write to changhefilms@pixnet.net for order details.

目前分類:呼吸Respire (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Wi Ding Ho's Cannes winning short film RESPIRE has been selected in

The National Gallery, London Film Program: Man Without Woman Film Season.


A deadly, airborne virus has transformed the world, and people are obliged by law to wear masks at all times. A young woman who realizes her time is running out, decides to enjoy a final day with the boy she likes.


The theme of this series, according to the programmer:

Picasso repeatedly turned back to the traditional theme of the artist and model, exploring the dualities of man/woman, self/other and vitality/mortality. The women in his life were said to have been the driving force behind much of his artwork. The films in this season explore and reflect on the darker side of these relationships.

A short film will be shown before each feature – discover rarely seen classics and new work in film and animation.


392_2.jpg Eyes Without a Face1.jpg  Poster of RESPIRE (left) and Eyes Without a Face (right)

It's our very honor that Respire will be paired up with Les Yeux sans visage (Eyes Without a Face),

a French horror classic film directed by Georges Franju

Date of screening: 4 April 2009

Time of screening: 2:30pm

Name of venue: The National Gallery Sainsbury Wing Theatre, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN

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何蔚庭坎城得獎短片呼吸受邀於英國倫敦國立美術館(National Gallery of Art, London)放映。

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靈感來自2003年的SARS疫情。“呼吸“描述一個 不遠的未來, 流感病菌變本加厲, 演化成以空氣為媒介的致命病毒。人民被法律規定戴口罩。在這樣的世界裡, 一名高中女生心裡知道自己時間不多了,於是她選擇過一個屬於她自己的一天。她找了一個常在上學途中擦肩而過的高中男生,陪她去聽她最愛的地下樂團表演,並和那男生發生第一次(也是最後一次)性關係。

呼吸將和60年代法國恐佈片經典無臉之眼 Eyes Without A Face一同放映

4 April 2009

The National Gallery Sainsbury Wing Theatre

Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN








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